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Pet Club Officers for 2023-2024

President:   Jeff Tuthill - 480.697.9557

Vice-President:  Ray LeMieux - 703.505.6705

Past President:   Jim Taylor  - 307.752.0388

Treasurer:  Candy Smith - 480.886.3557

Secretary:   Theresa Duff - 503.831.5989

Giving a Hand

The Pet Club - What are we?

People may be wondering or wanting an answer to that question.  Well we are and have been formed to help formulate improvements with the Pet Park.


The membership is $10.00 per year.  You do NOT have to be a member of the Pet Club to enjoy the Dog Park, but the dues help us to maintain some amenities that enhance the enjoyment of the facility.  For example we provide the chairs and tables in the two parks (Large Dog and Small Dog) so people with pets can sit, talk and relax while their dogs play and romp.  (Plus do whatever else is necessary for them i.e. relieve themselves)  We also provide pet bags to pick up after our pets.


Sometimes the small dogs bark through the fence between the Large and Small areas.  This year we have undertaken the project to provide Ridged Slats between the fences that fit into the chain link fence in an attempt to keep them barking at each other so much. 


We do ask anyone using the dog park to clean up after their pets so we can enjoy a clean, healthy environment for us all, dogs and people to enjoy.


If you need more information you can contact Jeff Tuthill, 480-697-9557, 108 Jordan, pet club president .  Our treasurer Candy Smith, 420 Cord will be glad to accept your dues payment and to join.  You have to be a dues paying member to vote on the projects of the club.  You can also contact any of the other Board Members, Ray LeMieux, Theresa Duff, or Jim Taylor for more information.


Pet Club Email:


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